Your layout must contain at least:
5 sentences in your journaling
4 pieces of chipboard
3 words in your title
2 photo corners
1 shaped paper
Michelle: Love this die cut shaped Fancy Pants pattern paper! The photo corners (which happen to be some oldie Heidi Swapp photo corners I have had forever) were a little too light. So I added some Ranger Crackle to them. I also added crackle to the the star that is dotting the letter i.

Lisa: I really loved this challenge because it once again got me digging for things I haven't used in a long time. Mainly chipboard and photo corners. I have to admit that it took me a couple minutes to remember what I could do to dress up the chipboard.
Debbi T: Since I scrap 8 x 8, I almost always have to make my own shaped paper. I found some 8 x 8 bracket-shaped paper by Making Memories, but the colors weren't working for this layout, so I scanned it and printed it on the back of the brown polka dot paper and cut it out. I was happy to see photo corners on the challenge because I have a gazillion of them and always forget to use them.

I went digital with this challenge -- I didn't have any digital photo corners so I improvised with ribbon.

Wow, I did a 2 pager....yay me!!
Have had these pics from last winter hanging around & figured I should get them scrapped before our next snow pictures;)